Wednesday, September 10, 2014


¡Bienvenidos al año escolar 2014-2015!
Welcome to the 2014-2015 school year!
In First grade we started out with the "Hola Hola Cómo estás" song and the Sign of the Cross prayer. They did a great job!  Now we are learning how to respond to the question ¿Cómo estás? They are learning Estoy bien. ( thumbs up) Estoy mal. ( thumbs down) and Estoy así así. ( so-so hand movement).  We also started our Buenos días song! Father Dennis walked in and visited so we sang it for him.  They were so proud!
In 2nd grade, we have been reviewing, reviewing and reviewing!  We practice our numbers up to 20 by playing the game Veinte.  They love it! Plus, we have been talking about the weather outside.  We will be starting our clothing unit on Monday.
Here is Mrs Cain's class with Ramona la Rana. 

Here is Mrs. Luna's class with Pablo and Ramona!